An exciting Hide & Seek app to play in real life
An exciting Hide & Seek app to play in real life

Ideas to spend fun time with your children at home



for 2 players

you need:
Paper and pen

To begin playing, draw a grid of two horizontal lines dissecting two vertical lines.

Tic-Tac-Toe is one of the first pencil and paper games a child learns. Players take turns choosing a box and placing either the letter 0 or the letter X to mark their box. The goal of the game is to fill in three marks in a row or block your opponent from doing so.

Dots and Boxes

Treasure hunt

for 2 players

How to play:
Kids love finding hidden objects and although this fun game to play at home does take a bit of preparation, the fun it provides is worth it. Begin by writing clues on small folded slips of paper. Each clue leads kids to the next place with an additional note. When the kids reach the end, they find a prize. Alternatively, leave coins in each spot, beginning with pennies and working up to the end and a larger amount of money.

Sherlok Home

Sherlock Home Of course!

for 2 players or more

you need:
Sherlock Home app (it's free)

How to play:
Of course our favourite! It's like a hide and seek or Treasure hunt without the need for you to prepare. You start the game, hide your phone, and the countdown begins for your children to find it. While they search, Sherlock Home calls out little clues to help them: "Over here!" "Not there!" They need to be quick to find the treasure before the time runs out. At the end of the game, Sherlock Home will ensure you always find your phone!

IOS Android

Dots and Boxes

Dots and Boxes

for 2 players

you need:
paper and pencils

Start with an empty grid of dots.The “board” can be of any size: Start with a 2×2 box. A 5×5 works well for experts.

How to play:
Take turns adding a single horizontal or vertical line between two un-joined adjacent dots. The player who completes the fourth side of a 1×1 box earns 1 point and play again. Players write their initials in the boxes to indicate who completed each. Game ends when there are not more lines that can be placed. Winner is the player with the most boxes.

Sherlok Home

Make bunny planters from recycled milk cartons

At Sherlock Home we love this idea by @17apart on how to create bunny planters from recycled milk cartons. This is not our idea, so kudos to Tim & Mary and check out their blog post on how you can turn those used milk cartons into cute plan holders.

Dots and Boxes

Hot Potato

for 3+ players

How to play:
An old favorite, play begins with everyone sitting in a circle on the floor. Turn on music while players pass the “hot potato” – a bean bag or small soft ball – around the circle as quickly as they can. When the music stops, the player holding the hot potato is out. When only one player is left, you have a winner of the game.

Make a bird feeder

Make a bird feeder

At Sherlock Home we love this idea by @Goodtoknow on how to create bird feeders. They are really simple to make, which means they’re a quick and fun project to do with children of all ages. This is not our idea, so kudos to Jessica Dady and check out their blog post on how you can easily make them.

Dots and Boxes

Touch-and-Feel Boxes

This is a great indoor game to focus young kids on the sense of touch in a world so focused on the sense of sight. Train their minds to associate information other than just how the object looks. Start by putting interesting objects into containers that a child must reach into and identify by touch. Shoe boxes work well as they are usually readily available, can be easily cut with scissors, and do not let light through. Making the boxes is part of the fun – have the kids decorate them, just make sure to cut out a child-sized hand hole on the side of the box beforehand. Place an item in each box and have your kids take turns guessing what the items are. Encourage questions and offer clues as needed.

Introducing Sherlock Home

A hide & seek game to entertain and keep your children active, even in a confined space.
Have fun with the whole family, rediscover your home, use Sherlock Home to create your own treasure hunts and adventures.

Step 1 - Hide your phone
Step2 - Quick! your children follow thesounds to locate it in time

Download now

IOS Android

Tell us what you think!

We would love to hear from you. Tell us how you play or if you have any ideas on how to make Sherlock Home an even bette game! You can reach us via one of our channel below.